Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Thoughts

Today I was lying on my bed with my dog. I looked at her as she was falling asleep under my covers and I thought to myself, “It must be nice to be her… to have no worries at all except when my owner is coming home to feed me or play with me. To be able to just sleep and eat and play and nothing else. No stress, no work, no nothing.” I started thinking about everything I’m going through in my life right now. It’s a big transition period. I’m going from being a teenager with insignificant problems, to an adult with her whole future depending on decisions she makes right now. I have to juggle a job that means a lot to me, with starting school after not being schooled for a year and a half, with my boyfriend, my family, my friends, free time, me time, and just everything. After thinking about all that, I looked at my dog and thought, “yeah… must be nice…”
But then, I started to think about all the things that she can’t do. She will never know the joy of having the friendships that I have. Yeah, she has my other dog and she has me, but it’s not the same. She’s never going to know what it feels like to be out in the open… to be free to do whatever she wants with no limitations. She’ll never drive, or speak, or sing, or know the meaning of things in the world. She’s never going to be able to feel all the things I can feel as a human. But most of all… she will never know what it feels like to be in love. She’ll never know what it’s like to have that one person who you’d do anything for. The one you put your every trust and every ounce of yourself into and who holds you and loves you back. She may love me as her owner, but she’ll never be IN love. Then, I started to feel sorry for her. I started to think of all she’s missing out on. She will never know what it’s really like to live because she’s just a dog. It kind of made me sad.
But it sure made me thank God that he didn’t decide to make me a dog.


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